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  1. John K says:

    I have read so many postings from many who did not know Sarah. It is amazing how many join together to share sympathy and thoughts.

    On a lighter side of times I’ve shared knowing Sarah. I did not only work with Sarah at Ka at the MGM Grand, she was also a friend and a next door neighbor of mine when I first moved to Las Vegas and started working on Ka.

    For those who know Sarah might enjoy this one “Sarah-ism” ….. “Does anyone know a babysitter?” This makes me smile….

    Another….. Me: “Hi Sarah. How are you?” Sarah: “Good. I’m so tired.”… Another smile…

    And the one time she had taken the house keys and either Mathieu or a sitter didn’t have the keys to get in. So after coming to work at Ka she needed to get back home quickly to drop off the keys. She asked me if she could borrow my car. Off she went. She came back and was so concerned….for on the way back driving on the 215, one of those damn little rocks kicked back and made a tiny crack on the wind shield…she was so concerned and wanted to pay for it, which I wouldn’t hear of…..was too funny knowing Sarah’s history driving on the 215…..

    …. you will be missed

  2. Elizabeth says:

    Marina…I am so sorry for your sadness…but please search far and wide for all the beautiful words that others have spoken of Sarah…gather them up so that some day when her children are older, they will have all these sweet thoughts of their mother..I am sure that her husband will find the bits and pieces that others have shared to be a beautiful remembrance of such an angel that walked and flew on this earth.

  3. Franko mitchelli says:


  4. Amélie b-guertin says:

    Je ne connaissais pas votre petite fille mais mes plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille. Amélie, de Montréal

  5. Catherine C. says:

    Aimante des arts du cirque et surtout des prouesses de ses artistes formidables, la perte de Sarah me touche beaucoup.

    Toutes mes condoléances à sa famille et ses proches.

    Catherine, Montréal

  6. Ines says:

    Que Dios te de su abrazo de amor infinito!!!
    Que el Supremo acompañe la tristeza de tus hijos y los colme de paz en este dificil momento
    Sin conocerte, te amo Sarah!!!
    Bs As,Argentina

  7. Jada Fire says:

    Captured so beautifully… the words in this poem of spiritual truth. I feel so strongly that now is the time more than ever to celebrate your creative overflow of beauty, joy, abundance and thriving passionate spirit. If we all listen deep enough and close enough, we can feel, hear and see that your beautiful essence and who you shall forever be… is so deeply blessed for the journey you have created and walked. When I listen to what Spirit says, I trust you are in the most divine of places and feeling the infinite love that pulses from our side of the world. I know and trust you are safe, sacred and so purely provided for… and for this truth and promise so shall your family be forever supported, protected and loved. You have experienced a brilliant lifetime of overflowing creative abundance and this kind of eternal light lives on through you forever. Shine on little ones who crave her soothing touch and know that sweet Sasoun is your new angel of guidance, always holding your hand as you too seek to fly. Call upon her and know that Her wings are Yours. She is now more brilliant than ever. Shine On Beautiful Soul.

    God Bless~ Jada Fire and Family*

  8. Tanya Burka says:

    Ça m’étonne. J’ai même pas de môts pour dire comment je me sens en cette moment. Elle était tellement belle, et c’est dommage qu’elle restera pas avec nous.

    I didn’t know Sasoun personally, but as a Cirque du Soleil performer I know many cast and crew on KA who have been personally affected by her loss.

    What we do as artists *is* worthwhile and *is* meaningful, but we never want to see an accident of this magnitude happen because of that. All we can do for the moment is wait to see if there’s anything we can do to provide safer working conditions for our artists, and I have faith that that will happen.

    I know, however, that nothing can take away the pain of having Sarah taken away from her loved ones too soon. She was a beautiful artist who touched many people’s lives with her passion and artistry, and her spirit will be remembered for a long time in our performances and our hearts. xxxx

    Tanya, Quidam

  9. Bette says:

    I did not know Sarah but so appreciate her talent and her legacy she has left. I felt so sad and heartbroken when I heard the terrible news. Such sadness for all. Condolences and love to her friends, family and to the Cirque family. RIP

  10. Alisa & LiLi says:

    Sasoun, You were always a pleasure to watch in KA! I remember watching you and Zula in the Doxy Duo at onje of the Cirque Special shows…You guys were a wonderful pair. You were a pleasure to be around and a lot of fun with the kids at the cirque camp you and Zula ran….We will always remember you <3 Our hearts go out to your beautiful children who will grow up without hearing your voice and feeling your touch…but they will always feel your presence in all that they do.and the memories they cherish!!….

  11. jess hosiery blogger says:

    I am so sad about these news, it’s heart breaking to hear. It is a tragedy.
    I saw Ka last summer and I remember that scene. They have a special controller in charge of monitoring all that traffic.

    Accidents happen in any industry, even if you have a quiet job at an office, something may go wrong.

  12. Latappy says:

    Petit mot pour toi Sarah que je connais par Monique qui m’avait souvent parlé de toi,
    J’ai été tellement choquée que j’ai écrit un texte dans la foulée. Promis, un jour je le partagerai. En attendant, Ka est en deuil dans ma vidéothèque et je te souhaite le meilleur là où tu es maintenant…

  13. dominicbis says:

    Une autre et triste pensée de cette France qui t’a vu naître
    Nous ne te connaissions pas et
    Tu étais certes une artiste parmi tous les autres quand nos yeux ébahis admirraient vos prouesses, tellement bien executées qu’on en avait oublié l’extrème danger; mais maintenant nous verrons d’un autre oeil les spectacles de la troupe.
    Toutes nos condoléances à tes proches, mais aussi à la Grande Famille du Cirque.
    Repose en Paix.

  14. Gilles robin says:

    Je suis de tout cœur avec vous.Je suis triste , aucun mot ne saura atténuer ce vide.
    Mon cœur souffre , toutes mes pensées sont avec ceux que cette tragédie touche.
    Avec tout mon amour xxx

  15. Jean marc levy says:

    Jean Marc et victoria pass on our condolences to her family and friends a wonderful performer , she will be sadly missed xxxx

  16. Emily Griffy says:

    Did not know Sarah and have never seen Ka, but as someone in the arts myself (music), I certainly appreciate the skills of these artists. I hope for a peaceful transition for Sarah and pray for those she left behind.

  17. Peter Kamenov says:

    I’m deeply saddened. My deepest condolences to the family. Thank you for unforgettable memories.

  18. Kenneth says:

    My condolences to your children, husband, family, friends, cast and crew of Cirque Du Soleil. Rest in peace Sarah.

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