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  1. guillaume says:

    tu a été ,(avec Mathieu ),la personne qui nous a fait decouvrir votre passion,votre art ,et nous sommes depuis ce jour devenus totalement accros aux shows.
    mais dorénénavant,nos escapades pour voir les shows du cirque n’auront definitivement plus la meme saveur.Merci encore ! rien ne remplacera ce que tu as effectué,rien ne l’effacera, au contraire tes enfants sauront porter haut et fort les valeurs qui t’etaient cheres.

  2. David Knight says:

    We can privide images of Sarah. In fact the common one widely circulated is one of Kira’s images. Providing the family agree, and providing it is thought appropriate, we would be happy to contribute image art work to this memorial. Email me at or go via David Fox to check who we are.

  3. Sergio says:

    Mis mas sinceras condolencias y acompaño a este prestigioso circo al cual sigo hace años con gran admiración por la excelencia en cada presentación y la profesionalidad y valor humano de sus artistas, acompaño a la familia de Sarah con mis oraciones deseando que Dios les traiga el consuelo que necesitan.

  4. John Migli says:

    I didnt know Sarah, but am numb to this tragic accident. She was a beautiful young woman with extreme talent. God Bless her family and fellow actors/actresses. RIP

  5. Gaston says:

    Que el Dios de la vida, te reciba en su seno de amor.
    Rezo por los hijos de esta anegada artista-gimnasta, para que sean cuidados y protegidos por sus amigos y familiares.
    La belleza de tu arte y de lo que regalaste será siempre admirada.
    Un beso grande y hasta que nos veamos.

  6. Kenneth says:

    Didnt know Sarah except through watching her perform at Ka. Her talent and passion for what she did is inspiring.

  7. John K says:

    She did this in her last life you know. There are a finite number of souls, she was a performer before and loves to perform. She will be missed by all of us.

  8. Roni says:

    Flying without wires….. You are now
    Beautiful talented young and ways young.
    Bless you

  9. Roberta Giaretto says:

    I didn’t know you but I’m a fan of all the Cirque’s shows and I just want to tell you ALL there’s one more person out there whose heart is full of pain and sadness for what happened. Stay strong. Stay foolish. Keep on for Her dreams.

  10. April says:

    Thank you Sarah for building confidence and new dreams in my two daughters. Jenna loved your trapeze class and was mesmerized by your aerial skills and artistry. Thank you for showcasing your students’ skills at the parent presentation. You were an amazing teacher! Thank you for being so kind and posing for pictures after your 7pm show on June 29. Jenna could not stop smiling at you in your warrior costume. Lindsay loved Tiny Circus class too! We will never forget you!

  11. Laura Nicodemus says:

    Thank you so much for posting this poem. It gives us all beautiful words to move forward with.

  12. ri says:

    기도할게요. 고마웠어요. 당신의 멋진 미소를 모두 그리워할거에요.
    그곳에서 행복하게 웃고 있기를..

  13. Katrina says:

    My heart goes to you and your dear children. You did so many things, you touched so many lives. Rest in peace. You will be missed.

  14. Annie says:

    My heart goes out to Sarah’s family…her husband,children and our extended Cirque family across the globe. No amount of time, distance, or tenure with Cirque can seperate the love we feel for each other and the compassion that we all share as one, near or far.

    Though I never met Sarah, I am saddened by her loss and the idea in knowing, that perhaps I would have known this wonderful woman, had I stayed in Vegas. As an orignial cast member there is a good chance that we might have worked together in some capacity.

    My heart aches, since I learned of this terrible loss to the Cirque family. I am flooded with memories and filled with prayer for all of those who work on KA, many of whom I know or knew well.

    While Sarah’s passing comes much too soon, take comfort in knowing that she was doing that which she was placed on this earth to do, and was fufilling a dream in doing what she loved. She had an impact on people’s lives that she can never be quantified, or measured. Those faces in the crowd who she brought joy, light, excitiment and possibility to some 400+ shows a year.

    Though her passing in such as way is impossible to fathom, take comfort in knowing that she was truly surrounded by love and family…the Cirque family! And for those of us who are/were blessed enough to be or have been a part of it, we know just how much true love this family provides!!!

    Stay strong! Wishing you strength, peace and comfort in the good memories that you will always carry…

    Annie Beck (formerly Scallion)

  15. Corinne says:

    Sarah, I didn’t get to know you long but in our short times together (helping out at the school Christmas store, on the 2nd grade field trip, and at field day cheering on our girls and taking pictures) I was so touched by what a beautiful person you are inside and out. You are one of the kindest and most genuine people I’ve met and your love and concern for your children is without a doubt. I hope someone will keep speaking to them in French so they can be fluent as you wished. If they don’t, you probably will whisper it to them as they sleep. : ) I love you sweet Sarah. You have touched my life and will not be forgotten.

  16. Chris Rehm says:

    I’m simply STUNNED!
    for what it is worth to Sarah Guyard-Guillot’s Family, and the Cirque du Solie’s production family – I wish to join in with you to morn the lost of this spirited performer. My deepest wish for nothing but love to be with you during this difficult moment.

    I did not know this Sarah, nor have I seen KA’s show. But I am a fan, and I have meet those who are in charge of this show. I know you settle for nothing less than Excellence & Safety.
    Cirque’s Symposiums have helped me to be better at what I do.
    May piece and grace be with you.
    Chris Rehm
    Pageant of the Masters Stage Crew

  17. Glenda Cast says:

    Beaucoup de courage et d’amour à toute la famille de Sarah et à la famille Cirque. Repose en paix.

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