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345 memories
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  1. Chris D says:

    I saw Ka back in May and it was by far one of the best things iv seen in my life, the skill and commitment of the performers is amazing and to hear about this very sad tragedy I was gutted. Thoughts are with all friends and family, sad times

  2. Neil Alan Wilson says:

    I took the train from Seven Sisters Monday when I heard this news. It was going to west London. The paper had fallen like a thrown out toy. With contempt as a shooting star I leafed its pages for the truth. The man in the carriage sitting next to me wept at first over his knees. Opposite two strangers glared on. Understanding their dismay with an assaulting volley I clicked on. If I had not been rehearsing the songs which appeal to the circus I would have talked about it all day. It was dismissive it was suspicious thinking about all the careful work that lets us believe we are unique we are at liberty desiring canon fodder instead. This love will never die. She came to me in the dark.

  3. Ushara Akila says:

    Never heard about KA before, and got to know about it with your tragic death….. Sarah I don’t know you, I never saw you before and I’m living in the other end of the world. Suddenly when I heard the story through the internet, I was shocked…. your talent no doubts about that.. It was extraterrestrial. But I saw you without makeups only wearing your pure smile…God she had a pure heart… that smile saying it all… why she.. I don’t know.. I would say RIP..I don’t have nothing to say. Because whenever I seen her photo I will shocked again and again. God saves your family.

  4. Sieglinde says:

    ¤*”˜¨¨✿¨¨˜”*¤ ♥♥ ¤*”˜¨¨✿¨¨˜”*¤ ♥♥ ¤*”˜¨¨✿¨¨˜”*¤

    In der Stille der Nacht bin ich erwacht.
    Sah leuchtendes Land von Sternen gebannt.
    Eine Melodie so zart wie noch nie.
    Dem Zauber verfallen im Klingen und Hallen,
    sah ich im endlosen Meer das himmlische Heer.
    Ich könnte beschwören ich konnte es hören,
    das flüstern in Bäumen wenn Engel so träumen.

    Gott schütze deine Kinder und deine Familie.
    Meine Gedanken sind bei ihnen.

  5. Luciano says:

    Vorrei essere un dio per farti tornare in vita, ma sono solo un essere umano e posso solo piangere la tua morte. Una cosa mi fa arrabbiare se penso che forse una rete avrebbe potuto salvarti la vita…non ti ho conosciuta di persona, ma ho visto gli spettacoli del cirque du soleil e mi sono emozionato fino a piangere, piangere dalla gioia di vedere uno spettacolo così bello, tu eri una protagonista di quella bellezza che solo una vera artista poteva creare. Sei stata una grande perdita per tutto il genere umano, senza di te il mondo è più triste. Ti voglio pensare in un posto dove non esiste più la morte e dove finalmente puoi volare senza corde che ti tengano su e senza la paura di cadere e farti male. Voglio pensarti come un angelo tornato finalmente in cielo dove doveva essere il suo posto. A presto Sarah che la pace sia con te!

  6. Elizabeth says:

    Please let me know how I might contribute something for her children or a beloved cause of hers. She will be missed.

  7. Eric says:

    May the love she brought into the world and the sunshine she displayed with her smile live on through the lives of her family and friends. God Bless.

  8. Anna says:

    My heart still hurts, I think about you a lot, I had the privilege to Nanny the children for you, and got extremely close to you and the kids, I miss you and continue to pray for you and your family, I think about the long talks we would have and laugh with the kids, I want to thank you for allowing me to be part of your life and the life of the kids.

  9. Benoît JEANNE says:

    Sarah je pense à toi bien souvent en me rappelant que nous avions repris contact peu de temps avant ce départ si foudroyant… à l’école du cirque Fratellini tu étais une des meilleures acrobates quand nous avons appris ensemble cette discipline !! nous avions même été partenaire pour le charivari dont j’avais retrouvé pour toi la musique , le cancan d’Offenbach , qui nous rappelle tant de bon souvenir chez Fratoch lol … merci d’avoir été une belle artiste!!
    pensées affectueuses de la part Benoît JEANNE

  10. Gillian Spriesterbach says:

    It’s years later, but I will always look back and remember the amazing achievements I had due to what Sarah taught me. After breaking my leg and seriously getting out of shape in sixth grade, I wasn’t just learning how to juggle and walk across a tightrope, I was learning how to find my strength again and challenge myself. The night she passed was the day our class did a huge presentation of our skills for the parents. After practicing so long and hard, I had gotten into trouble at home and been prevented from participating in our big finale. Not only did I miss a chance to display all the strength and mental discipline Sarah had instilled into me, I lost a chance to see a fantastic teacher of mine for the last time. Sarah was kind-hearted and open-minded. When my special needs brother would try copying my tumbling at home, Sarah set up her own private classes for him and even adored his dinosaur-inspired nickname for her, Sarah-tops! She was about to immerse herself into the autism community and spread her love and encouragement with them. Having proved to me that she was a strong-willed and nurturing mother, teacher, and woman, I will always say that Sarah’s memory continues to inspire me to try new things and persist through any challenge. After all, I’ll now always be able to spontaneously do one-handed juggling for the rest of my life. It’s several years later, but RIP Sarah-tops. I’ll never forget the beautiful, amazing woman you were, and I’ll always continue aspiring to be just like her. ❤️

  11. Carlton Miller says:

    Sara, I miss your smile, your laugh, and our talks outside of the theater in-between shows. You were, and will always be my favorite artist! 🙂

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