though I never met or had the opportunity to see ka impact me at the news in the press of my country Venezuela very very unfortunate loss of this artist of this circus, I’m so sorry what happened and send my condolences to his family and friends . I saw your photos of your kids and I passed her and happiness, joy and passion for his craft … rest in peace great Sasoun!
i never saw the show, but hearing the news was totally shocking and still almost had me in tears… huge respect to sarah for what she did, and died entertaining others… from everything ive heard and read about her, she was an amazing person and didnt deserve to go the way she did, but sarah if you’re looking down right now, RIP only the good die young <3
Tata Dan says:
Ma Sarah..Je me joins à toutes ces personnes qui t’aiment et qui ont eu la chance de te voir vivre dans ton univers. Toutes ses années passées loin de ta terre natale ont participé à ton épanouissement.Je regarde la belle Femme que tu es.
Belle dans ton corps… belle dans ton coeur.
Nous sommes tous réunis pour te dire à quel point on t’aime et à quel point tu vas nous manquer.
Par la magie des vidéos, je te vois évoluer dans ton interprétation et mesure la beauté de ce spectacle grandiose. Tu as vécu l’extraordinaire…tu as su donner et recevoir le rêve…tu as su exiger de toi même pour donner le meilleur de toi…MERCI A TOI.
Par la magie de la toile, une maman avec un grand coeur a partagé un film pris quelques heures avant cette soirée fatale.
Je pense fort à tes deux petits. Tu étais si fière d’eux et eux peuvent être fiers de leur Maman. Ils sont déjà dans tes pas et ceux de leur Papa. Je sais qu’ils vont continuer de grandir avec un Papa formidable.
J’espère de tout coeur que vous vous donnerez les moyens de faire votre chemin comme vous l’entendez, comme votre maman l’a fait.
Retenez sa phrase: “Pour y arriver, il faut se donner les moyens”. Je crois que c’est une bonne philosophie.
Nous devons continuer à vivre sans toi ma petite mère, mais jamais rien ne pourra gommer ton joli sourire… tes yeux pétillants. Tu resteras gravée dans mon coeur. Ta vieille tata qui t’aime fort. Comme on dit chez toi… “RIP”.
Renee says:
May you rest in peace…beautiful and talented artist!!!
Johanne says:
Mes condoléances a tous les proches de Sarah. Mes pensées sont avec vous.
It’s difficult to make sense of a world you don’t need talent to be a celebrity. So it is with this tragedy. I sometimes wonder what it would be like if I met Ms. Guyard on the other side. Me: Ms. Guyard! Sarah:Hello. Me: I’ve been a Cirque du Soleil fan since it first came on American television. And “Ka” was one of my four favourite shows. Sarah: That’s nice to hear. Me: It was too late when I learned that your were not only an exceptional performer, but a faithful wife, a loving mother, and a compassionate teacher. Sarah: I did the best with the life I was given. Me: Ms. Guyard, one more thing. At the risk of sounding like a cornball fanboy, may I please have your autograph? Her friendly smile brightens the air.
Dominique says:
En tant qu’athlète au Cirque, je peux dire que toute la communauté du Cirque du Soleil est profondémment touchée. Je n’ai pas connue Sarah, mais nous travaillons tous dans les mêmes conditions et cela nous rammène sur terre de ce que nous faisons comme métier.
Mes condoléances à la familele
Amy says:
Sarah must have had a magnetic presence about her… So many, including myself who are complete strangers feel drawn to honor her and help her family. There are no words to explain the loss they are enduring. May healing love and strength surround Sarah’s family and friends.
Kazuki Nakagawa (K.N.) says:
I’m praying for Sarah’s bliss (rest in peace), I hope the staffs and casts overcome this sadness, it supports each other, and KA theater serves as a place be wrapped in impression again.
Nadia B. says:
Beautiful…We feel your love for Sarah.
Sinceres condolences.
Alejandro says:
Por haber formado parte de esto tan maravilloso y por llenar nuestros ojos de algo tan bello como lo que hacías, descansa en paz y has acrobacia junto a Dios. Siempre vivirás en algún artista de este fenomenal circo.
S. says:
En tant qu’employée au Cirque et maman d’un petit garçon, j’éprouve une peine énorme pour ce qui est arrivé à Sarah,je ne peux m’empêcher de penser à ses deux petits enfants … Que le courage de Sarah de performer chaque soir se retrouve en eux chaque jour pour avancer. Que la peine que vous éprouvez se transforme peu à peu en merveilleux souvenir … Je vous embrasse chaleureusement.
Mario Flores says:
Unfortunately, my memory of Sarah consists of only her final hours on this earth. I am both horrified and honored to have witnessed her final performance. The tragedy has affected my wife and I immensely. Our deepest condolences to all her family and friends.
Sarah, I leave you this:
I wish I never knew your name
I wish I did not know of your children, family, friends
Or your love for each other
I wish I did not know of your mentoring of so many
Of your beautiful smile
Of your broken English
Your love of Nutella
Your platform sandals
Of all the hearts you touched
Your years of commitment and dedication
to your art
I wish you were just another unidentified
brilliant Cirque du Soleil performer
I wish I had never given you a second thought
If of all this I knew nothing
You’d be here still
Living your beautiful life
I am heartbroken by a complete stranger
I wish I never knew your name
Jake C says:
After I heard this news it really hit me hard. You will forever be in our memories and we will not forget you. Rest well.
i never knew you or saw the show, but this tragedy has still completely shocked and upset me. i was so speechless when i heard about this, i know this isn’t much of a “memory” but this story mad me so sad it felt as if it was someone i actually knew so just wanted to express my respect for you and what you did day after day for other people! it’s so sad the way this happened… but i guess god just needed an extra angel up in heaven. although i never knew you, i’ll never forget you…i hope you’re looking down now and realizing how much love and respect you have from everyone here.
RIP <3 only the good die young <3
marie julien says:
Quelle jeune femme extraordinaire, quelle gentillesse, quel amour, passionnée, courageuse, marrante, enthousiaste, pédagogue, puissante, artiste acrobate aventurière joyeuse et aimante femme et mère… Sarah je ne t’oublierai pas (j’aurais aimé te connaitre) Ton parcours est plein de courage et de ténacité, de sourires malgré les larmes, de rêves réalisés. Merci à tes amis d’avoir crée cette page. Mes pensées vont vers ceux à qui elle va terriblement manquer. Je suis sure qu’elle veille sur vous. Avec amour. Soyez forts comme elle. Bien des pensées de 74 haute savoie, marie
Mike says:
Anytime my wife & I watched KÅ, this is and will be one of our favorite parts. You’ll be remembered always Sarah.
Michelle says:
Requiescat in pace.
stephane says:
j ai le coeur brise je suis tres triste je pleure toutes mes condoleances a ta familles et a tes enfants on pense tres fort a eux et a toi on t oubliera jamais Sarah repose en paix Sarah
Tino says:
Your tribute to Sarah is truly touching. As an artist (musician, photographer, figure skater) I am in awe of the celebration of her beauty, artistry, passion, compassion, love for those in her life, and those who loved her. I have only experienced Cirque du Soleil on television, but have always been enchanted by the artists bringing the shows to us. When I was growing up in Spain I was friends with a girl from France with the surname Guillot, and perhaps this is just one reason why I am drawn here and to learn about Sarah’s life. I will pray for Sasoun, that she has her wings in heaven.
Rebecca says:
My deepest heartfelt sympathy.
My family and I send our warmest thoughts to you. My children are Emily and Ethan so I felt an instant connection. Sending strength and love your way…. One day at a time.
Dunkle_Seele says:
Dear Sarah, I knew few but I’ve alwazs liked watching zou all working and zou were there. I grew up thinking about the Circus companzy in which you worked hard. I will remember because you died while you were working hard and never surrendered. Goodbye Sarah.
David says:
I read that Sarah liked the idea of turning ashes into trees – Not sure how the family will decide to commemorate her, but if they did decide on this, I’m sure the resulting tree would be both beautiful and sheltering.
though I never met or had the opportunity to see ka impact me at the news in the press of my country Venezuela very very unfortunate loss of this artist of this circus, I’m so sorry what happened and send my condolences to his family and friends . I saw your photos of your kids and I passed her and happiness, joy and passion for his craft … rest in peace great Sasoun!
i never saw the show, but hearing the news was totally shocking and still almost had me in tears… huge respect to sarah for what she did, and died entertaining others… from everything ive heard and read about her, she was an amazing person and didnt deserve to go the way she did, but sarah if you’re looking down right now, RIP only the good die young <3
Ma Sarah..Je me joins à toutes ces personnes qui t’aiment et qui ont eu la chance de te voir vivre dans ton univers. Toutes ses années passées loin de ta terre natale ont participé à ton épanouissement.Je regarde la belle Femme que tu es.
Belle dans ton corps… belle dans ton coeur.
Nous sommes tous réunis pour te dire à quel point on t’aime et à quel point tu vas nous manquer.
Par la magie des vidéos, je te vois évoluer dans ton interprétation et mesure la beauté de ce spectacle grandiose. Tu as vécu l’extraordinaire…tu as su donner et recevoir le rêve…tu as su exiger de toi même pour donner le meilleur de toi…MERCI A TOI.
Par la magie de la toile, une maman avec un grand coeur a partagé un film pris quelques heures avant cette soirée fatale.
Je pense fort à tes deux petits. Tu étais si fière d’eux et eux peuvent être fiers de leur Maman. Ils sont déjà dans tes pas et ceux de leur Papa. Je sais qu’ils vont continuer de grandir avec un Papa formidable.
J’espère de tout coeur que vous vous donnerez les moyens de faire votre chemin comme vous l’entendez, comme votre maman l’a fait.
Retenez sa phrase: “Pour y arriver, il faut se donner les moyens”. Je crois que c’est une bonne philosophie.
Nous devons continuer à vivre sans toi ma petite mère, mais jamais rien ne pourra gommer ton joli sourire… tes yeux pétillants. Tu resteras gravée dans mon coeur. Ta vieille tata qui t’aime fort. Comme on dit chez toi… “RIP”.
May you rest in peace…beautiful and talented artist!!!
Mes condoléances a tous les proches de Sarah. Mes pensées sont avec vous.
It’s difficult to make sense of a world you don’t need talent to be a celebrity. So it is with this tragedy. I sometimes wonder what it would be like if I met Ms. Guyard on the other side. Me: Ms. Guyard! Sarah:Hello. Me: I’ve been a Cirque du Soleil fan since it first came on American television. And “Ka” was one of my four favourite shows. Sarah: That’s nice to hear. Me: It was too late when I learned that your were not only an exceptional performer, but a faithful wife, a loving mother, and a compassionate teacher. Sarah: I did the best with the life I was given. Me: Ms. Guyard, one more thing. At the risk of sounding like a cornball fanboy, may I please have your autograph? Her friendly smile brightens the air.
En tant qu’athlète au Cirque, je peux dire que toute la communauté du Cirque du Soleil est profondémment touchée. Je n’ai pas connue Sarah, mais nous travaillons tous dans les mêmes conditions et cela nous rammène sur terre de ce que nous faisons comme métier.
Mes condoléances à la familele
Sarah must have had a magnetic presence about her… So many, including myself who are complete strangers feel drawn to honor her and help her family. There are no words to explain the loss they are enduring. May healing love and strength surround Sarah’s family and friends.
I’m praying for Sarah’s bliss (rest in peace), I hope the staffs and casts overcome this sadness, it supports each other, and KA theater serves as a place be wrapped in impression again.
Beautiful…We feel your love for Sarah.
Sinceres condolences.
Por haber formado parte de esto tan maravilloso y por llenar nuestros ojos de algo tan bello como lo que hacías, descansa en paz y has acrobacia junto a Dios. Siempre vivirás en algún artista de este fenomenal circo.
En tant qu’employée au Cirque et maman d’un petit garçon, j’éprouve une peine énorme pour ce qui est arrivé à Sarah,je ne peux m’empêcher de penser à ses deux petits enfants … Que le courage de Sarah de performer chaque soir se retrouve en eux chaque jour pour avancer. Que la peine que vous éprouvez se transforme peu à peu en merveilleux souvenir … Je vous embrasse chaleureusement.
Unfortunately, my memory of Sarah consists of only her final hours on this earth. I am both horrified and honored to have witnessed her final performance. The tragedy has affected my wife and I immensely. Our deepest condolences to all her family and friends.
Sarah, I leave you this:
I wish I never knew your name
I wish I did not know of your children, family, friends
Or your love for each other
I wish I did not know of your mentoring of so many
Of your beautiful smile
Of your broken English
Your love of Nutella
Your platform sandals
Of all the hearts you touched
Your years of commitment and dedication
to your art
I wish you were just another unidentified
brilliant Cirque du Soleil performer
I wish I had never given you a second thought
If of all this I knew nothing
You’d be here still
Living your beautiful life
I am heartbroken by a complete stranger
I wish I never knew your name
After I heard this news it really hit me hard. You will forever be in our memories and we will not forget you. Rest well.
i never knew you or saw the show, but this tragedy has still completely shocked and upset me. i was so speechless when i heard about this, i know this isn’t much of a “memory” but this story mad me so sad it felt as if it was someone i actually knew so just wanted to express my respect for you and what you did day after day for other people! it’s so sad the way this happened… but i guess god just needed an extra angel up in heaven. although i never knew you, i’ll never forget you…i hope you’re looking down now and realizing how much love and respect you have from everyone here.
RIP <3 only the good die young <3
Quelle jeune femme extraordinaire, quelle gentillesse, quel amour, passionnée, courageuse, marrante, enthousiaste, pédagogue, puissante, artiste acrobate aventurière joyeuse et aimante femme et mère… Sarah je ne t’oublierai pas (j’aurais aimé te connaitre) Ton parcours est plein de courage et de ténacité, de sourires malgré les larmes, de rêves réalisés. Merci à tes amis d’avoir crée cette page. Mes pensées vont vers ceux à qui elle va terriblement manquer. Je suis sure qu’elle veille sur vous. Avec amour. Soyez forts comme elle. Bien des pensées de 74 haute savoie, marie
Anytime my wife & I watched KÅ, this is and will be one of our favorite parts. You’ll be remembered always Sarah.
Requiescat in pace.
j ai le coeur brise je suis tres triste je pleure toutes mes condoleances a ta familles et a tes enfants on pense tres fort a eux et a toi on t oubliera jamais Sarah repose en paix Sarah
Your tribute to Sarah is truly touching. As an artist (musician, photographer, figure skater) I am in awe of the celebration of her beauty, artistry, passion, compassion, love for those in her life, and those who loved her. I have only experienced Cirque du Soleil on television, but have always been enchanted by the artists bringing the shows to us. When I was growing up in Spain I was friends with a girl from France with the surname Guillot, and perhaps this is just one reason why I am drawn here and to learn about Sarah’s life. I will pray for Sasoun, that she has her wings in heaven.
My deepest heartfelt sympathy.
My family and I send our warmest thoughts to you. My children are Emily and Ethan so I felt an instant connection. Sending strength and love your way…. One day at a time.
Dear Sarah, I knew few but I’ve alwazs liked watching zou all working and zou were there. I grew up thinking about the Circus companzy in which you worked hard. I will remember because you died while you were working hard and never surrendered. Goodbye Sarah.
I read that Sarah liked the idea of turning ashes into trees – Not sure how the family will decide to commemorate her, but if they did decide on this, I’m sure the resulting tree would be both beautiful and sheltering.